
Can Student Visas Buy Property in Australia in 2023

‘Can student visas buy property in Australia?’ This is a common question asked by international students who are studying in Australia and are considering purchasing property. The answer is yes, it is possible for international students on a student visa to buy property in Australia, but it comes with challenges.

In this article, we will explore the legal framework, financial aspects, property types, buying process, consequences, and considerations of buying property in Australia as an international student.

Understanding the legal framework is essential when considering buying property in Australia. It is important to note that international students on a student visa are considered temporary residents, and as such, they are subject to restrictions on buying property. The Foreign Investment Review Board (FIRB) is responsible for reviewing foreign investment proposals on a case-by-case basis. The FIRB must approve the purchase of any residential property by a temporary resident, including international students.

Key Takeaways from Can Student Visas Buy Property in Australia:

  • International students on a student visa can buy property in Australia, subject to approval by the FIRB.
  • Financial aspects, such as income and debt to income ratio, can be challenging for students when purchasing property.
  • It is important to understand the legal framework, property types, and buying process before making a decision to buy property as an international student.

Understanding the Legal Framework

If you are an international student looking to buy property in Australia, it is important to understand the legal framework surrounding property ownership. The following sub-sections will provide an overview of the key legal considerations that you should be aware of.


Role of the Foreign Investment Review Board (FIRB)

The Foreign Investment Review Board (FIRB) is a government body that oversees foreign investment in Australia. If you are a foreign person, including a temporary resident, looking to buy residential property in Australia, you will generally need to apply for FIRB approval. This process is designed to ensure that foreign investment in Australian property is in the national interest.

Foreign Citizen Stamp Duty

In addition to FIRB approval, foreign citizens may also be subject to additional taxes when purchasing property in Australia. One such tax is foreign citizen stamp duty, which is a tax on the transfer of property ownership. The rate of this tax varies depending on the state or territory in which the property is located.

Eligibility and Visa Status

To be eligible to purchase property in Australia, you must be over 18 years old and have a valid visa. While student visa holders are generally eligible to purchase property, it is important to note that your visa status may impact your ability to obtain financing. Lenders may require additional documentation or proof of income to assess your eligibility for a mortgage.


Overall, buying property in Australia as an international student can be a complex process. It is important to do your research and seek professional advice to ensure that you are complying with all relevant laws and regulations.

Financial Aspects of Property Purchase

When it comes to purchasing property in Australia as an international student, there are several financial aspects that you need to consider. Here are some of the important factors that you should keep in mind:

Mortgage and Home Loans

If you are planning to buy a property in Australia, you will need to apply for a mortgage or home loan. However, getting approved for a mortgage can be challenging, especially if you are an international student with limited income.

Most Australian banks require proof of income and a good credit score to approve a mortgage. As an international student, you may not have a credit history in Australia, which can make it harder to get approved for a mortgage.


Moreover, the interest rates for mortgages in Australia can be high, which means that you may end up paying more in interest over the life of your loan. Therefore, it is essential to shop around and compare different mortgage options to find the best deal.

Investment and Return

Buying a property in Australia can be a good investment, as the Australian property market has historically shown strong growth. However, it is important to keep in mind that property prices can also go down, so there is always some risk involved.

Before you decide to buy a property, it is important to do your research and consider the potential return on investment. You should also factor in any additional costs, such as maintenance and repairs, property management fees, and taxes.

Budgeting and Expenses

Buying a property in Australia can be expensive, and you will need to have a budget in place to cover all the associated costs. In addition to the purchase price of the property, you will also need to factor in other costs such as stamp duty, legal fees, and inspection costs.

You will also need to consider ongoing expenses such as mortgage payments, property taxes, insurance, and maintenance costs. It is important to have a realistic understanding of your living expenses and budget accordingly.

When it comes to financing your property purchase, you may be able to use your savings, scholarship income, or other sources of income to cover the deposit and other costs. Alternatively, you may need to consider taking out a loan or getting financial assistance from family members.

Overall, buying a property in Australia as an international student can be a challenging process, but it is possible with the right preparation and financial planning. By considering all the financial aspects of property purchase, you can make an informed decision and achieve your dream of owning a property in Australia.

Property Types and Buying Process

When it comes to buying property in Australia, there are different types of properties that you can consider. The buying process can also vary depending on the type of property you choose. Here are some things to keep in mind when you’re looking to buy property in Australia as an international student.

New vs Existing Properties

One of the first decisions you’ll need to make is whether you want to buy a new or an existing property. New properties are often more expensive, but they come with the benefit of being brand new and potentially having a warranty. Existing properties, on the other hand, can be more affordable and may have more character. Keep in mind that existing properties may require more maintenance and repairs.

Student Accommodation

Another option to consider is student accommodation. Many universities in Australia offer on-campus accommodation for students, but these can be limited and may not be suitable for everyone. Alternatively, you can look for off-campus student accommodation, which can include shared apartments or houses. Keep in mind that student accommodation is often more affordable than other types of housing, but it can also come with its own set of challenges.

Vacant Land

If you’re interested in building your own home, you may want to consider buying vacant land. This can be a great option if you have specific requirements for your home or want to design your own space. Keep in mind that buying vacant land can be more complicated than buying an existing property, and you’ll need to consider things like zoning laws and building permits.

Regardless of the type of property you choose, the buying process in Australia can be complex. You’ll need to work with a real estate agent and potentially a lawyer to navigate the process. Keep in mind that there may be restrictions on foreign buyers, and you’ll need to have a plan in place for financing your purchase. Overall, buying property in Australia can be a great investment, but it’s important to do your research and understand the process before you get started.

Read: Disadvantages of Studying in Canada for International Students 2023

Consequences and Considerations

Can Student Visas Buy Property in Australia

If you are considering buying property in Australia with a student visa, there are several consequences and considerations that you should keep in mind. Here are some factors to consider:


As a property owner in Australia, you will be subject to various taxes, including property taxes, capital gains taxes, and income taxes. It is important to understand your tax obligations and seek advice from a qualified accountant or tax professional to ensure compliance with Australian tax laws. The Australian Taxation Office (ATO) is the government agency responsible for administering tax laws in Australia.

Penalties for Non-Compliance

Failure to comply with Australian tax laws or property ownership regulations can result in significant penalties and legal consequences. For example, if you are a non-resident and purchase property in Australia without approval from the Foreign Investment Review Board (FIRB), you may be subject to fines of up to AUD 157,500 and imprisonment for up to three years. It is important to seek professional advice and ensure compliance with all relevant laws and regulations.

Seeking Professional Advice

Navigating the legal and financial aspects of buying property in Australia can be complex, especially for international students. It is recommended that you seek the advice of a qualified conveyancer, accountant, or other professional to ensure that you understand your legal obligations and make informed decisions. These professionals can also help you navigate the tax implications of property ownership and ensure that you comply with all relevant laws and regulations.

In summary, buying property in Australia with a student visa can be a complex process that requires careful consideration of various legal and financial factors. It is important to seek professional advice and ensure compliance with all relevant laws and regulations to avoid penalties and legal consequences.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the tax implications for foreigners buying property in Australia?

As a foreigner, you will be subject to the same taxes as Australian residents when buying property in Australia. This includes stamp duty, land tax, and capital gains tax. It is recommended that you seek advice from a tax professional to understand your tax obligations and entitlements.

Is it possible to buy a house in Australia while on a bridging visa?

Yes, it is possible to buy a house in Australia while on a bridging visa. However, you will need to obtain approval from the Foreign Investment Review Board (FIRB) before you can purchase any property in Australia.

Are there any restrictions on buying real estate in Australia as a foreigner?

Yes, there are restrictions on buying real estate in Australia as a foreigner. Foreigners are only allowed to purchase new properties or vacant land for development. They are not allowed to purchase established properties, except in certain circumstances, such as if the property is to be demolished and redeveloped.

What is the process for FIRB approval when buying property in Australia?

The process for FIRB approval when buying property in Australia involves submitting an application to the FIRB, along with a non-refundable application fee. The FIRB will then assess your application and determine whether your proposed purchase is in the national interest. This process can take up to 30 days.

Can international students invest in real estate in Australia?

Yes, international students can invest in real estate in Australia. However, they will need to obtain approval from the FIRB before they can purchase any property in Australia.

Who is eligible to purchase property in Australia as a non-citizen?

Non-citizens who hold a valid visa that allows them to stay in Australia for at least 12 months are generally eligible to purchase property in Australia. However, they will need to obtain approval from the FIRB before they can purchase any property in Australia.


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